
5 easy tips for getting dressed quicker and better!

dressed quicker

• Like an outfit? Take a quick photo in the mirror. It doesn’t need to be a perfect photo, it’s only to catalogue the clothes. Save it in a favourites folder on your phone and keep it for quick reference when you’re feeling uninspired. It’s amazing how quickly you can forget that killer outfit combination that worked so well only a few weeks ago.

dressed quicker

• Put your clothes out the night before. This doesn’t have to be the final decision but get yourself on the path to being sorted before the madness of the mornings. Simply decide if you’re wearing a dress, skirt or pants and choose one. One foundation piece will get the ball rolling if you’re feeling foggy in the morning. Most importantly, put it on before even opening your cupboard. Stick to it, trust it and build from there. This method is best utilised on Mondays! Why not make it a favourite piece of clothing to lift your mood too.

dressed quicker

• Get a professional stylist assessment or decide to decipher your suitable shades and styles yourself. Narrowing down the best colours and cuts to suit your complexion and shape and only owning them will make getting dressed and looking good a cinch.

dressed quicker

• Try to visualise any purchase teamed with as many other pieces in your current wardrobe and the occasions you will wear them. If you follow this to a fault, just watch how quickly you will build a capsule wardrobe without even thinking about it. You will find you can throw most things together and get out that door in a flash. And you will naturally have less in your cupboard which leads us to point 5

dressed quicker

• Have less. Less really is more. As much as we find ourselves at the mercy of a trend occasionally, do your best to really try and foresee if you will be wearing an item for years to come. Ending up with fewer items in your cupboard and only having classics that suit your colouring and frame results in a stress-free dressing experience. There is nothing wrong with having somewhat of a uniform if it works for you. You can always add a statement scarf if you’re feeling bored.

KYLIE GILLIES: Love Kylie as much as we do? See what she said when we sat down with her for our Style Stories feature. The lovely host is a fan of Michael Buble and clothing sales. We’re like twins!

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