The scarf has to be one of the most underrated items in the fashion world. Not only can this simple piece of fabric elevate your look but it saves you bucket loads of money, helping you to mix up your outfits without having to buy new clothes all the time. Imagine the pictured ladies below without scarves – their looks wouldn’t have half the appeal. A classic, well-cut and relatively basic outfit gets catapulted into style queen status with the right scarf, placed the right way. So, we’re going to take a look at all the ways you can incorporate a scarf into your wardrobe. Don’t like anything around your neck, you say? Don’t worry. You can still accessorise your way into style history. See how here…
Convert it. Notice the little knots? Lay the scarf horizontally lengthways on a table and grab the top left and bottom left corner and tie a small knot. Do the same to the right top and right bottom. Now, put each of your arms through the loops created by the knots and place the scarf over your shoulders. Voila! You just made a little jacket.

As a Belt. What about a scarf as a belt? We adore the way this is paired with smart, soft shorts and teamed with citrus tones. Effortlessly chic! An easy way to choose colours when styling is to pick a tone in the print of the scarf and match it. It’s even better when it’s one of the more subtle colours in the pattern that you pick up on.

Tonality. Whatever your favourite colour may be, it’s a great way to create a capsule wardrobe by having a variety of accessories and some key clothing in that same hue. It’s quite bold to wear them all at once, however, the muted version of this pink saves it from being a bit too much.

Loop de Loop. Some scarves are already one large loop, they’re called ‘snoods’. But we like options! Simply make a messy knot at the ends and you’re done. When wearing the scarf, ensure you place the tied area to one side of your body – creating a wide and a narrow side of the scarf like below – it’s fun to play with scale instead of being perfectly even.

Drape It. A simple drape is an easy elegance. But even when you’re wearing your scarf in a seemingly symmetric way, it always looks just that little bit better if you have the ends slightly uneven.

A Neck Scarf. Sometimes size matters and in this instances, the smaller the better. This looks particularly good with short hair to show off the scarf. It’s also a lifesaver in summer when you happened to be positioned right underneath an air conditioning vent set to an arctic freeze setting!

Tied To A Handbag. If you’re looking to add interest or simply don’t want to stuff a scarf in your bag, why not tie it around the handle instead? Confession: we’ve done this and it never came off! It’s now a permanent handbag embellishment.

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