One of the few frontiers that the internet can’t claim as another victim is TV home shopping. In fact, shopping networks are only going from strength to strength and the launch of openshop under the channel 7 umbrella is evidence of the industries never-say-bye, say buy attitude. It seems that with our increasingly-busy lifestyles, shoppers are reaching for the remote instead of the iPad to secure that hard-to-find purchase and its OpenShop that is set to have innovative fashion, beauty, health and cooking products to pique the interest of any weary-eyed late-night viewer. We went along to the sparkly launch event to learn about the specialised offerings on sale from industry experts and to meet the presenters who will have the fulltime duty of filling our living rooms with irresistible goodies via channel 75.

We had a very real and refreshing chat with Open Shop presenter, Nikki Vincent on her role on the network and her personal connection to her job. It’s worth noting that Nikki is also a women’s empowerment coach and helps clients break through negative emotions. We must say, it took us less than 3 minutes to realise she is well-equipped to empower and we thoroughly enjoyed our power-chat.
Can you tell us a bit about how you personally connect with viewers on a 24-hour shopping channel? I’m 54 and I’ve had 5 children and I have a range of sizes in my wardrobe. I go through my incredibly-healthy “I’m going to be raw vegan for the next 6 months” and I then I love my carbs, pasta and steak. I go through emotional ups and downs and I think I am one of those people who does eat their feelings. So you look at my wardrobe and say “I can’t get rid of the size 6 because I’ll be back there one day”. And when I get down there I’m like “I can’t get rid of the size 22 because I might need it one day and that’s a pretty bloody good frock”. I can relate to what many women go through and that is often linked with our emotions. My connection with women is through fashion, beauty, inner-beauty and inner-health. It’s just about reaching out to take that one step together. We don’t push overwhelming crazy weight loss programs, we don’t say you’re going to look like some skinny minny – it’s more like “I’m actually 10kgs overweight at the moment, do it with me”. Let’s make it a journey together and let’s talk about how we are going.
How long have you been presenting and what can we expect? I started in the UK and have been presenting for 23 years, 20 of which are in shopping. I’ve done something like 20,000 live TV without a script. And that’s where you build a connection because I’m real. I can stuff up occasionally, I’m not making things up and I can laugh at myself. We’re all real. When we go to live segments viewers can escape from their own reality and join in with me on air. I may say I’m having a tough day, tell me about yours and the conversation flows. Viewers can call in and just say its Sharon from Wagga Wagga, “I had a pretty hard time as well, Nikki” and it starts a dialogue and a community. We welcome interaction whether it be when we’re live and you can call or you can email too and we’ll likely read out your message on air and reply. Callers can give other shoppers feedback on what products have worked them also, let’s just have a chat.

Well ok, let’s talk fashion. Has there been one garment that has stood the test of time for you? I’ve been through 7 years of wearing a kaftan. If I am a size 6 or a size 20 I can always feel glamourous in it – a kaftan is a fashion equaliser. I can go out to that party and feel great in it without worrying about my belly, backside or worrying my arms are too fat. So that has been the single most inclusive fashion item for women of all shapes and ages. It can be dressed up fabulously or casual and you can feel a million bucks in it.
What should over 50’s particularly lookout for on OpenShop? Oh my, everything! Health from the inside – let’s get our healthy guts going girls, the leg master for the pelvic for muscle if that’s an issue for you, so so much beautiful fashion and jewellery that you just have to see!

If you’re keen to learn more you can tune in to Channel 75, download the app or find them online at openshop
TV home shop looks interesting, I have never worn a Kaftan but a see a lot that do and all shapes and sizes look lovely, can dress them up as much as you like
How can we watch? Maria
Hi Maria, OpenShop will be on channel 75. Which is a free digital channel. They also have an app you can download but that is more for interacting with the hosts when it’s live.