We had the honour of attending the Australian Red Cross Rural Recovery Luncheon.
We had the pleasure of meeting volunteers whose own mothers have long been a part of the good work of Red Cross, near record-breaking blood donors, incredibly dedicated committee members and enjoyed a Q&A with Red Cross ambassador, Dame Quentin Bryce.
The day may have been set in the city, but it was all about the bush. We all know the devastating hard times our farmers and rural communities are facing due to drought and in some places, floods. The Red Cross supports these communities to remain their resilient selves and the fact is that can’t be done without money. Many people donated their time to today’s luncheon and others donated money, prizes or experiences. If you feel compelled to support The Red Cross in this drive for rural Australia, you can do so here:https://www.redcross.org.au/
We like to attend these functions and share the styles with you while simultaneously promoting their causes. Something we’ve noticed at these events is that there are many hard-working people behind these charities and there is always one individual who you know lives and breathes their work. Today, we noticed that was Sonia Fenton. We’d like to personally say thanks for having us Sonia and thank you for all you do for the Australian Red Cross St George District Branch.
We hope you enjoy us sharing the day with you and reminding us all of the invaluable work of the Australian Red Cross.
Jenny, Angela and Pam whose own mother was a member of the Australian Red Cross and has supported them since a fete her family ran when she was only 8 years old.
Chris, Sonia and Lee. Sonia is the remarkable woman who made the day possible.
Bush Poet Ralph Scrivens and Caroline.
Lynne who is a member of The Australian Red Cross and who has seen first-hand the hardships of our rural communities.
Elena, Bernadette, Ailsa, Arthur and Karen. Ailsa is an Aus Red Cross member and her guests.
Andrew who is close to reaching his 50th blood donation and stylish wife, Aileen
Mary-ann and Josephine say they wanted to ensure they support the farmers as their roots are in country Victoria and understand the hardships.
Carolyn and Diane. We’ve seen first-hand the great work of the Australian Red Cross having worked on the recovery effort after cyclone Debbie.
Barbara, Robyn and Wendy
Barbara and Colin who are originally from Armidale and have visiting Calala to lend support
Ross, Ruth, JP, Donna, Clyde, Patricia, Pam, John and Fay
Margaret and Val who is a Red Cross volunteers as was Val’s mother who she carried the badge and bars for today.
Val’s mother, Midred Hend otherwise known as “Queenie’s” badge and long service bars
Thaema here today with friend Cathy and wearing Birdsnest clothing.
Australian Red Cross member, Liz wearing a hand-painted scarf that she bought in Tasmania.